Karakamsa India Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) and Neighbours of India-pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Burma – Vedic astrology or Jyotish

Karakamsa India Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) and Neighbours of India-pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Burma – Vedic astrology or Jyotish

188px-Flag_of_India.svg karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss
188px-Flag_of_Pakistan.svg karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss
Flag_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China.svg karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or lossnepal karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss
Flag_of_Myanmar.svg karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss

Impacts of Drishtis on Ketu in Karakamsa.

  • In your birth horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)- On the off chance that Ketu is in Karakamsa, accepting a Drishti or aspect from a malefic(like Saturn,mars,rahu  or shani,mangal,dragons head), ones ears will be cut( Ketu has a cutting action, which is reinforced by malefic), or one will experience the ill effects of maladies of the ears.
  • In your horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)- Shukra or venus, giving a Drishti or aspect  to Ketu in Karakamsa, means one, started into religious order( venus or shukra is a material planet and cutting influence of ketu would kill the material aspect and take more towards spirituality).
  • In your horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)- One will be without quality, if mercury or budha and shani or Saturn gives a Drishti to Ketu in Karakamsa.
  • In the event In your horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)- that Budha (mercury) and shukra or venus give a Drishti to Ketu in Karakamsa, one will be the child of a female slave, or of a female who is remarried.
  • In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)-  With shani or Saturn’s Drishti or aspect on Ketu in Karakamsa one will perform atonement, or be a worker, or will be a pseudo-self-denying person(Saturn takes away from ketu quality of honesty towards religious services).
  • In the  horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart)-   Shukra(venus) and sun(surya) together, giving a Drishti to Ketu in Karakamsa, will make one serve the ruler as venus and sun both are royal planets of royalty and comforts.

Karakamsa India Kundli or Horoscope(Birth Chart) and Neighbours of India-china,pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal,Myanmar  – Vedic astrology or Jyotish
d9India-navamsa karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss
IndiasNationalHoroscope02_29112008 karakamsa india neighbors pakistan nepal myanmar burma china nepal gains or loss

||  Planetary Position  ||

Planets   C     R     Rashi     Longitude      Nakshatra     Pada       Relation

Asc               Taurus   07-45-25       Krittika   4

Sun       D    Cancer  27-59-54     Ashlesha      4     Friendly

Moon            D     Cancer   03-59-04       Pashyami      1     Own

Mars             D     Gemini   07-27-43       Ardra     1     Enemy

Merc             D     Cancer   13-41-15       Pashyami      4     Enemy

Jupt             D    Libra     25-53-37     Vishakha     2     Enemy

Venu     C     D    Cancer  22-34-28     Ashlesha      2     Enemy

Satn       C     D     Cancer   20-26-51       Ashlesha 2     Enemy

Rahu             R     Taurus   05-04-04       Krittika   3

Ketu              R     Scorpion 05-04-04       Anuradha      1

Uran             D     Gemini   02-03-23       Mrigasira       3

Nept             D     Virgo      15-43-30       Hasta     2

Plut        D     Cancer   20-04-12       Ashlesha 2

  • The neighbouring countries could in the sense be taken as younger brothers, so mars would be the karaka for them based on parashar astrology
  • Also based on karakamsa astrology or jaimini astrology It should be the bhratru karaka planet- that5 is the third highest in longitude in India’s chart.
  • One can clearly see that venus is third highest in Longitude and is combust and is bhratru karaka.
  • Now venus being com bust means weak so not much gains from neighbours. We know china has waged a war and Pakistan has waged several wars against India includes proxy war of terrorism. Nepal or china is not exactly friendly. Burma or Myanmar has had a military regime earlier but now sure is friendly under Aung San Suu Kyi’s party.
  • Now as sun is atmakaraka and venus sits 11th house form the same, so some gains could be expected from the neighbors in trade & other matters.
  • Mars the e natural bhratru karaka is not very strong- but just OK.
  • If we look at the History of India since its independence 1947 and the relationships with neighbours- we can Cleary see India has been more giving and liberal to its neighbors- be it paksitan,Nepal – but not getting the commensurate returns. But hopefully it could get it in future.


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