Impacts of the fifth from Karakamsa(children,education,learning,stocks,).
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) On the off chance that Rahu and Mangal(mars) are in the fifth house from Karakamsa, one will experience the ill effects of a lungs related , all the more thus, if moon or Chandra gives them a an aspect or drishti.
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) The Drishti of mars or Mangal on the fifth from Karakamsa will bring boils , or ulcers, as mars is a hot & fiery planet.
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) Ketu’s(dragon’s tail) Drishti or aspect on the fifth from Karakamsa will bring about loose bowels(fifth house rules stomach) and different illnesses, brought on by (polluted) water.
Karakamsa fifth house Narendra Modi Ji- education, children, learning and stocks.
- Atmakaraka saturn is in 6th hsoue of d9 or navamsa- so this becomes the ascendnat or lagna of sri narendra modi ji.
- In the horoscope or kundli (Birth chart) of sri narendra modi ji looking at the navamsa chart (d9)- that is the ninth varga chart or the ninth harmonic.
- Saturn(shani) is the atmakarka (The planet that does the soul realization)sitting in the sixth house of vighna bhava and so mars(mangal dev) ruels the fifth house.
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) ,Now mars or Aries sign ruels his fifth house of children, which is naturally denotes fore and aggression and is in eight houses and is on a very weak & debilitated on the sign cancer or karkat.
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) ,Mars debility and is in eighth house or bhava, which is a malefic house- we know sri narendra modi ji has no children. So this astrological afctor very Cleary connects to the fact that he has no kids or children.
- In the horoscope Or Kundli(Birth Chart) of sri narendra modi ji,Mars in eighth suggest that children of the kind representing the masses or downtrodden (as eight hosue represents the downtrodden class), which is very true for narendra modi ji that he is a true champion of down trodden people.
- Also mars is in fourth sign of cancer or karkat rashi, fourth house or sign represents masses, so he is a symbolic father or parent of the masses.
- Mars gives him an action oriented personality or thinking focused on landed people and downtrodden people as mars represents mar and eight houses represents lands as the karaka is Saturn or shani dev.
- One can clearly see their indication of children and philosophy or thinking of sri narendra modi ji being expressed beautiful in his navamsa (karakamsa chart).
- Also note the aspect of sun or surya dev the lord of ninth house of dharma or religion and good luck has a strong influence on narendra modi ji’s thinking process or thought process.
- Also mercury(budha) the lord of tenth house or career or job house is also sending its energy causing his mind to connect closely to IT(information technology), business ( he connected to Google ceo sundar Pichai and facebook CEO and also to Microsoft CEO).
- So there is a mix of action oriented, religious cum IT/computers and business thinking in mis deeper levels of consciousness.
- All the information is very clearly re presented in the navamsa chart of sri narendra modi ji.
- So we see that astrology or vedic astrology gives a clear insight into modi Ji’s destiny.

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