Impact of Child Horoscope On Longevity Mother(parents)- Based On Astrology -Jyotish


How could A Child’s horoscope Affect the mother?

  • Vedic astrology or Jyotish takes a much closer look at child birth than any child being born to a family. It is believed that a child is attracted to a family based on his past life karmic pattern- so that he or she could work out his or her karma in this life time. Based on the past karma the soul of the child chooses parents. So if the child is destined to be born in a family with sick mother , the child soul would choose that family, time and date and be born in accordance of laws of universe in that family.

  • impact on longevity or lifespan  of mother of child horoscope
    Child Horoscope benefic planet combinations for Mother’s Longevity

  • In astrology, specific planetary combinations in a child’s horoscope can indicate the longevity and health of the mother.
  • Several factors are considered, such as the 4th house (which governs motherly matters), the 9th house (representing protection and blessings), and benefic planets associated with these houses.
  • Here are some benefic combinations that can support the mother’s longevity:
  • 1 Strong and Well-Placed 4th House Lord

  • Benefic planets (like Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon) aspecting or occupying the 4th house: When the 4th house lord is well-placed and under the influence of benefic planets, it generally indicates good health and a long life for the mother.
  • For example, Jupiter or Venus aspecting the 4th house or its lord can provide blessings and protection to the mother.
  • Exalted or own sign placement of the 4th house lord: If the 4th house lord is in its exalted or own sign, it strengthens the house of the mother, indicating stability, health, and longevity for her.
  • 2 Benefic Jupiter in Relation to the 4th House

  • Jupiter in the 4th house or aspecting it: Jupiter, being a natural benefic and protector, if placed in the 4th house or casting its aspect, brings positive energy and safeguarding influences to the mother.
  • Jupiter’s presence brings protection, nourishment, and a long life.
  • Jupiter’s influence on the Moon or the 4th house lord: As the significator of nurturing and growth, Jupiter’s connection with the Moon (representing the mother) or the 4th house lord boosts the longevity and health of the mother.
  • 3 Strong Moon and Its Associations
    Moon in a strong, benefic position: The Moon represents the mother in Vedic astrology.
  • If the Moon is well-placed in the child’s horoscope—especially in its own or exalted sign—it can signify a healthy, long-lived mother.
  • Moon conjunct with benefic planets: If the Moon is associated with benefic planets like Venus or Jupiter, the mother is likely to enjoy good health and a long life.
  • Such conjunctions provide nurturing energies, promoting her well-being.
  • 4 Venus in a Favorable Position

  • Venus in a benefic house or well-aspected: Venus in a positive house like the 1st, 5th, 9th, or 11th, or in a conjunction or aspect with Jupiter, can bring blessings to the mother.
  • Venus represents nourishment and love, and when well-placed, it indicates a strong bond with the mother and her well-being.
  • 5. Dasha and Transits

  • The dasha (planetary periods) of benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon during critical periods of life often indicate good health and protection for the mother.
  • Transits of benefic planets over the 4th house or 4th house lord can enhance the mother’s health and longevity during the respective transit periods.
  • These combinations, if present in the child’s chart, generally suggest a positive influence on the mother’s health, protection, and longevity.
  • Negative or malefic influences on these factors would need to be analyzed separately to determine any potential challenges.
  • mars and saturn malefics longevity or lifespan  of mother of child horoscope

    The Various malefic combinations that might affect the mother are give below.

    What are the Various malefic Combinations that could affect the Mother of the Child After Birth?

  • If moon the karaka for mother is afflicted by or aspect by 3 malefic. That means trouble of health to mother. These effects get reduced if there is a benefic aspect to moon .
  • If the 2nd house is occupied by Venus,mercury,rahu,sun or Saturn. The child might lose the father. If the moon is in 7th or 8th from a malefic or be conjunct with a malefic and receives an aspect/drishti from a strong malefic- the mother’s longevity is questionable.
  • The child may not get mother milk is sun/surya is exalted or debilitated or weak in 7th house or bhava.
  • If there is a malefic planet in 4th and with an inimical sign as counted from moon or Chandra. Also there is not benefic in the angular houses(1/4/10/7)- the longevity of mother is questionable.
  • If there are malefic planets in 12th and 6th house- the mothers will face troubles. If in 3rd house or bhava and house of action(10) there are malefic ,father could face troubles.
  • The planet mercury in 2nd house or bhava and malefic i9n ascendant(tanu bhava) and 12th house – could affect the entire family.
  • If planet Jupiter(guru) , Saturn(shan) and rahu are placed in 1st house, 2nd house and 3rd house or bhava in order – this could badly affects mothers health.
  • If the moon (Chandra) is waning and the angles( houses 1/4/10th) from the waning moon has malefic & also no benefic would be in conjunction with the above mentioned malefic- then the mother of the child could abandon the child.
  • If the planet Saturn(shani) and mars(mangal) are together in an angular house from moon(Chandra) and they also are together in the same navamsa (D9) – the child could have two mothers and also have a short life.
  • saturn shani longevity or lifespan  of mother of child horoscope
    Some more Malefic planet combinations affecting Mother’s Longevity

  • so also In Vedic astrology, a child’s horoscope can indicate potential challenges to the mother’s longevity through malefic planetary combinations.
  • Malefic influences on the 4th house (representing the mother), its lord, or the Moon (significator of the mother) can suggest health problems or reduced longevity for the mother.
  • Here are some malefic combinations to consider:
  • 1 Afflictions to the 4th House

  • Malefic planets in the 4th house: When planets like Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu occupy the 4th house, they can harm the well-being and longevity of the mother.
  • Such placements can bring challenges related to her health or emotional well-being.
  • Aspect of malefic planets on the 4th house: If Saturn, Mars, Rahu, or Ketu aspect the 4th house, it can indicate difficulties for the mother.
  • These aspects may bring disturbances, instability, or health issues for the mother.
  • Afflicted 4th house lord: If the 4th house lord is weak, debilitated, or under malefic aspects (like from Mars, Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu), the mother’s longevity may be compromised.
  • An afflicted 4th house lord can point to health problems, accidents, or other negative influences affecting the mother.
  • 2 Moon Afflicted by Malefic Planets

  • Weak or debilitated Moon: The Moon represents the mother.
  • A debilitated Moon (for example, Moon in Scorpio) or a Moon under heavy malefic influence can indicate problems for the mother.
  • A weak Moon may lead to health issues, emotional instability, or shorter longevity for the mother.
  • Malefic conjunctions with the Moon: If the Moon is conjunct malefic planets like Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, it can harm the mother’s well-being.
  • For instance, Moon-Saturn conjunction (Punarphoo Dosha) is known to bring challenges and hardships for the mother.
  • Moon hemmed by malefics: If the Moon is placed between malefic planets (in the 2nd and 12th houses from the Moon), this creates Papakartari Yoga, which can harm the mother’s health and longevity.
  • 3 Saturn’s Influence on the 4th House

  • Saturn in the 4th house: Saturn in the 4th house often brings delays, obstacles, or struggles related to the mother.
  • This placement can cause emotional distance or health problems for the mother, especially if Saturn is retrograde or afflicted.
  • Aspect of Saturn on the 4th house or 4th house lord: Saturn’s aspect can bring suffering, illness, or a sense of burden on the mother.
  • If Saturn aspects the 4th house or its lord, it may indicate long-term health challenges or limitations in the mother’s life.
  • 4 Rahu and Ketu Afflicting the 4th House or Moon

  • Rahu in the 4th house: Rahu’s presence in the 4th house can bring sudden and unexpected events related to the mother, including health crises.
  • Rahu tends to create instability, so its influence can lead to unpredictable challenges for the mother.
  • Ketu in the 4th house: Ketu in the 4th house can result in detachment or separation from the mother.
  • Ketu’s energy is spiritual and isolating, which can weaken the bond with the mother and negatively affect her health or well-being.
  • Rahu-Ketu axis on the 4th-10th house: If Rahu and Ketu fall on the 4th and 10th houses (in opposition), this can cause emotional and physical disturbances to the mother, possibly indicating early loss or separation.
  • 5.Mars’ Influence on the 4th House

  • Mars in the 4th house: Mars is a natural malefic, and its placement in the 4th house can indicate accidents, surgeries, or violent disruptions in the mother’s life.
  • Mars can create an aggressive or strained relationship with the mother as well.
  • Aspect of Mars on the 4th house: Mars’ aspect brings fiery and aggressive energy to the house it aspects.
  • If Mars aspects the 4th house, it can indicate problems with the mother’s health or emotional disturbances.
  • 6.
  • 4th House Lord in Dusthana Houses (6th, 8th, or 12th)
    4th house lord in the 6th house: The 6th house relates to diseases, debts, and enemies.
  • When the 4th house lord is placed here, it may suggest chronic health problems for the mother or difficulties in her personal life.
  • 4th house lord in the 8th house: The 8th house is the house of longevity and death.
  • When the 4th house lord is in the 8th, it can indicate a short lifespan or health issues for the mother, and sometimes early loss.
  • 4th house lord in the 12th house: The 12th house relates to losses, hospitals, and foreign lands.
  • The 4th house lord in the 12th may signify isolation, health problems, or hospitalization for the mother.
  • These combinations, if present, suggest the possibility of challenges or hardships for the mother.
  • However, the overall chart should be analyzed, including benefic influences and planetary aspects, to arrive at a balanced conclusion.
  • mother longevity or lifespan  of mother of child horoscopeWhat are the other core factor that represents Mothers health and longevity in any horoscope?

  • Mother to live long means the karaka for the mother that is moon and in some cases Venus should be strong and not afflicted by malefic like mars, Saturn or ketu or rahu.
  • The fourth house lord that represents mother should also be strong enough forming most of the lagnas or ascendants.
  • Also the eight houses from the fourth house(as fourth house is for mother) should be strong and in afflicted.
  • This should happen from moon lagan, surya lagna and yes lagan chart. The idea is to follow the sudarshan padditi for best results in analyzing the horoscope
  • Jhanvi-Kapoor J440px-Sridevi The horoscope analysis of Jhanhvi Kapoor , film actress sri devi’s daughter to Check the indications of longevity of mother(sri devi ji) in her(jhanavi’s) horoscope?

    Who is Jhanavi kapoor?

    • Jhanavi kapoor and a famous Television artist and is a daughter of famous film actress sri devi (late) and boney kapoor.
    • She lost her legendary mother sri devi ji recently in the year 2018 in a fatal washroom accident while taking a bath and shortness of breath was the cause.
    • Jhanvi Kapoor infact is the eldest She is also an actress with great promise in hand to succeed in films
    • Birth details jhanavi kapoor
    • Date of Birth: Thursday, March 06, 1997
    • Time of Birth: 00:00:00
    • Place of Birth: Mumbai
    • Longitude: 72 E 50
    • Latitude: 18 N 58
    • Time Zone: 5.5

    jahnavid1 Analysis of various Factors in jhanavi kapoor’s horoscope, what impacts the longevity or life span of mother( late sri devi ji)?

    • Moon the karaka for mother is a bit weak in the twelfth bhava at around 10 degrees in the Capricorn sign. so over all moons is a bit weak and afflicted.
    • But yes her moon has blessings from Jupiter the lord of gains the eleventh house and also the second bhava lord of dhana and status. This clearly hints towards a well to do and celebrity mother like sri devi ji.
    • Saturn or shani on which moon is sitting has ketu sitting in the rashi making it very agitated and angry.
    • The fourth bhava lord is Venus, represents generally a beautiful and talented mother is combust and is close to her markesh the sun the seventh house lord sun. this is a killer combination.
    • Mercury or budha the lord of the malefic eighth house and killer house, having killer mars and rahu there sits close to Venus in the first bhava. so clearly hints towards possible sudden death to her respected mother due to the eighth house, mars and rahu involvements.
    • The eighth house lord from the fourth bhava is Jupiter is debilitated in the Capricorn sign so reducing the longevity for her mother.

    Longevity of Mother(sri devi ji)with respect to Moon or rashi analysis for Jhanavi kapoor’s mother sri devi ji:

    • The lord for her mother is mars the fourth house lord is close to rahu in the ninth bhava.
    • Also the eighth house from the fourth house for mother the longevity house, it is Scorpio sitting into eh sixth bhava from the fourth bhava of mother with rahu.
    • so over all it clearly hints sudden and accidental death for jhanavi’s mother sri devi ji and also a short life span due to weakness of lagna, moon, lagan chart ,surya kundali and moon chart and also involvement of twelfth house, eighth house, sixth house and mars and rahu effects on the longevity and health of mother that is sri devi ji.
    • we Pray for sri devi ji’s soul rest in peace we all are eternal fan of hers and success for jahnavi ji.