About this article ?
This article in depth discusses how Money or Wealth could come to a person based on Kundli or Horoscope PLUS as a PRACTICAL Example, Sri Rattan Tata’s Horoscope(Kundli) is analyzed in detail in the last section of this article .
Also know what Yoga’s in Second House or Bhava of Kundli or Horoscope would suggest losses, Punishment or gains through government, Thieves, or fire etc.
That is would it be excess wealth Yoga, or simple wealth though self-effort or wealth through brother or wealth through wife or husband etc.:)
Even the dispositer of the second house and ascendant(lagna) d9 or Navamsha and its contribution t wealth is taken into consideration
Also as a real-life PRACTICAL example with the Horoscope for wealth for sri Ratan Tata is evaluated.
Based on Sri Ratan Tata’s Both d1 or lagna chart and also d9 or Navamsha chart or Horoscope predictions are made for his wealth and money flows and status matters..

What are the various Yoga’s or combinations of the second house or bhava for great wealth flows ?

How could second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest High income
if the lord of the second house of any Kundli or horoscope is strong and so is it in good Navamsha sign or d9.
Then it gets special strength and good gains are there for wealth for the person.
The wealth flows or income is high as per other yoga’s or combination in the Horoscope or kundli.

How could second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest High income?
If the lord or ruler of the 2nd(second) house is placed in the location with the lord of the 9th(ninth) house or bhava lord.
also is aspected by the lord of the Navamsha or the d9 sign occupied by the lord of the lagna or Ascendant in the Kundli or horoscope .
plus the additional condition is that is under influence of benefics like Jupiter, Venus, or mercury or even moon if they are Strong.
also is in a trikona or Kendra house the person gets could attain great richness .
the basic them is the second bhava connects to 9th bhava or house for great fortune.
also the energies connect to lagan or ascendant in navamsha as suggested above.
additional benefics sending energy to the 2nd or second bhava lord in the Kundli or horoscope .
so great riches 🙂 are naturally promised.

How could second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest great income form childhood itself?
If there are natural Benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, moon, or mercury in the first house or ascendant.
additionally the second and the seventh houses of Kundli or horoscope are in their exaltation signs.
also possibly friendly sign, or in the Navamsha or d9 they are strong or their sign of exaltation .
in that case form childhood or young age itself the person gets a lot of money or wealth.
so also there is a great energy flow if the lord of the lagna or Ascendant occupies the second house or bhava of Kundli or horoscope .
also the lord of the 2nd house(second) bhava is in the 11th bhava or house of the Kundli or horoscope .
plus the ruler of the 11th house or bhava of Kundli or horoscope is in the Ascendant or lagna. The person may grow very rich with a great bank balance

How could second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest immeasurable gains and income for a person?
The houses in any Kundli or horoscope that help in wealth flows are 1st, 2nd. 5th,9th & 11th houses .
They all add to wealth and gains or luck i.e. money or wealth in one form or the other
If in Kundli or horoscope the lord of the lagan or Ascendant is stronger than all other planets in the horoscope.
also is located in a cardinal or Trikona bhava or house along with Jupiter or guru.
also the lord of the second or 2nd house of the Kundli or horoscope occupies the division that is special or vaishehsik .
the wealth gains are very high for the person or immeasurable.

How the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest income or wealth flows by self-effort?
also if in any Kundli or horoscope If the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the Navamsha or d9 occupied by the lord of the lagna or ascendant is strong.
and also an additional condition is that it is a friend of the lord of the 2nd(second) house of Kundli or horoscope .
plus it is placed in Kendra(1st,4th,7th or 10t( or a trine(1st,5th,9th).
or is in his own sign. the person earns wealth through many different ways and own effort.
clearly a strong lagan or ascendant and friendship with the money house or bhava of 2nd or second for Kundli or horoscope suggests naturally that the person would earn by self-effort.
also as friendship with 2nd bhava lord, so suggest that is money is earned.

How could second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest earnings till middle age at least?
In an Kundli or horoscope if the lord of the 2nd(second) house or bhava is situated with the lords of the lagna or ascendant .
and also the lagna is in trine bhavas or 1,5,9th bhava.
there is also aspect of good planets of temporal strength. The person would earn by self-effort till middle age.

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest gains and income till end of life?
If the lord of the ascendant , lagan or say 1st house and along with a benefic like Jupiter, mercury, Venus is placed with the lord of the 2nd house .
plus also with the lord of the sign or rashi occupied by second house is placed in the lagna or Ascendant & is strong .
The person would be rich or wealthy at the end of his life.
This Yoga or combination applies to the 11th house or bhava lord too in the Kundli or horoscope .

what planetary combinations or indications of second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope suggest helps or gains from brother in wealth matters?
If the lords or the rulers of the first and the 2nd house(second house) are located together in the 3rd house of initiative and are strong.
additionally they are aspected or connected with male planets like mars, sun etc as well .
additionally the lord or ruler of 3rd house or bhava in Kundli or horoscope is in in -Vaishesh amsha or varga chart.
The person could get wealth from his brother.
If in any Kundli or horoscope the lord of the 3rd house(third) or bhava is located in the 2nd house along with Jupiter or guru & associated with or aspected by the lord of the lagna or ascendant.
so the person gets wealth from brother in this case also.
note the indicator of wealth or money is with ascendant or lagna both in the 3rd bhava or brother.
also if 3dr bhava lord well disposited, gains from brother or siblings is there.

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows to person in many ways?
If in a Horoscope or Kundli the lord or ruler of the lagna or Ascendant.
also the lord of the second house is placed in Kendra bhava(1,4,7,10) .
also in in good Navamsha or d9 of the Horoscope or Kundli.
also there is an energy exchange and are mutually aspecting .
also if there is an aspect from the 9th bhava or house lord the person would earn wealth in many ways . 🙂
here a strong second bhava or house lord shares energy with lagan or ascendant of the Horoscope or Kundli.
also the good fortune of 9th bhava or house also comes in.
so suggest multiple ways the money flow to self or first house or bhava would happen for this Horoscope or Kundli. 🙂

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows by own initiative?
When the lord or the ruler of the ascendant or 1st house(lagan) aspects the lord of the 2nd house(second house) or if in case both of them( 1 and 2nd bhava lords) are located in the same house.
the person would earn by his own initiative and effort.
If the lord or ruler of the 2nd(second) & 1st house(ascendant) are together and or aspect each other.
also there is a connection of lord & significator of the 3rd bhava or house 1 Mars. then one could earn from brother.
as here we see a simple connection between self( 1st house), money flows( second bhava) and also own initiative or effort that is 3rd bhava or house.

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows to person through mother or relatives?
also If a lord or ruler of the second bhava that is strong and is in connection with or has an aspect of the lord of the 4th house in Vaisheshikamsha.
then the person gets money or wealth flows from mother . also money flows or wealth from relatives and also or from agriculture.
clearly here the 4th house or bhava of mother, agriculture and relatives connects to 2nd or second bhava of wealth , so there is a flow of money and wealth through the relatives to the person.

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows through children?
if the lord of the second or 2nd house of any Horoscope or Kundli is strong. be it exaltation or own sign etc.
if this second bhava lord gets connected with or aspected by the lord or ruler or the significator of the 5th house (Jupiter or Guru) .
plus the additional condition is that the lord or ruler of the Ascendant(lagan) is strong, that is in the -Vaisheshik” division. the person could get wealth from his son 🙂 or children.
so here the lord or ruler of the lagna(ascendant) has to be in “Vaisheshik- amsha or good d9 or navamsha.

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows to person from spouse or lover or wife or husband?
if in any Horoscope or Kundli the lord second or 2nd house is stronger than the 6th lord .
plus additionally Mars or mangal the significator of 6th house or bhava for enemies and also ascendant lord is strong . May be in the in Vaisheshik amsha .
in this situation the person would get wealth for his enemies as well.
also by the same logic as above, if the lagna bhava lord and also the second bhava or house lord .
that is two planets are strongly influenced by the lord of the 7th house and also the significator Venus or shukra.
one could get wealth from his wife or life partner as well :).

How does second house(2nd ) or bhava suggest money or wealth flows due to dharma, father, or religious matters?
If in any Horoscope or Kundli the 9th(ninth) house lord and also the karaka or significator of father that is Sun or surya dev are connected.
In this yoga one gets money flows or wealth from father.
also as 9th or ninth bhava is for religious dharma and Guru, so one could get money from them as well.
also if there is a connection or benefic Drishti or aspect of the lord of the 10th house of the Horoscope or Kundli. also the fame karaka planet Sun or surya dev is involved.
the person gets money or wealth flows by charity due to others s and through his own name and fame. ;0 as sub represents name and fame.

Jupiter or Guru in which Yogas(planetary combinations) with second bhava or house of Horoscope or Kundli promises great gains and success in life ? 🙂
so if we use normal common sense the connection and the aspect of the lord or ruler of the (eleventh house) llth house .
and its significator or karaka like Jupiter or Guru leads to very good money flows or income to the person.
also we have to note that the eleventh bhava or house and Jupiter always expand what you have in place.

Venus or shukra in which Yogas(planetary combinations) with second bhava or house of Horoscope or Kundli promises great gains and success in life ? 🙂
say for example for kumbha lagna or ascendant, Jupiter or Sagittarius rules the eleventh bhava of house.
so naturally good money flows would be there.
so also if the planet shukra Venus is in vrishabha sign or Taurus , also it is aspected by a strong Jupiter or Guru.
so the person would get great money, nice and big vehicles and also landed property.
The reasons is Venus is karaka for wealth and grave of GOD for material pleasures.
also Jupiter gives good luck and expansion as it rules the 9th sig and 9th bhava of fortune. 🙂
so we note in case of Aquarius lagna or ascendant or Kumbha rashi lagan, the benefic Jupiter or Guru rules two great houses for wealth.
that is the 11th bhava and also the 2nd bhava for the Horoscope.
so does promise great wealth if in a comfortable position .

How could malefic like Saturn, rahu or ketu in certain Yogas(planetary combinations) with second bhava or house of Horoscope or Kundli suggests losses and less gains in life ? 🙂
if say malefic planets like mars(Mangal) or Saturn (Shani dev) is in the 2nd bhava of horoscope.
the person could earn even from evil means.
even if the planet is in inimical sign or is eclipsed or has a malefic aspect as such.
so just like we discussed earlier one gets income through brothers or siblings or other relatives, that is son or Putra and also wife or life partner etc.
especially if the lords of these houses are strong and are sharing energies with the house of wealth.
with the same logic one would lose wealth or one could have loses of wealth due to brothers or siblings etc if the lords of the 3rd house for siblings or 4th house for mother are weak & also malefic are afflicting wealth factors.
so a weakness of the factors like siblings, mother .
children etc suggest less flow of money or gains and also weakness of wealth factors confirm the same .

What Yogas of the second bhava could suggest loss through the government ?
If in case the lord of the 1st(first) house of the Kundli or Horoscope is weak and is placed in the 12th bhava .
or house with a malefic planet like Saturn(Shani), mars(mangal) or Rahu(dragon’s head) or ketu(dragon’s tail).
additionally the condition is that the lord of the 2nd(second) house of Kundli or Horoscope is with the Sun or Surya .
or the other condition is that it is in the sign of debilitation & under malefic energies being exchanges.
The person could lose his wealth or money at the hands of the government.

What Yogas of the second bhava could suggest Punishment through the government ?
If the lord of the 12th(twelfth) house of Kundli or Horoscope is in the 2nd house of Kundli or Horoscope .
also the lord of the 11th house or bhava is in the 12th house or bhava.
additionally the lord of the 2nd(second) house of Kundli or Horoscope is in 6th, 8th or 12th house or is in its sign of debilitation.
The person could have losses of money or wealth due to government punishing him.
Also If lord of the 2nd(second) house is located in the 8th(eighth) house of Kundli or Horoscope . also in is the sign of debilitation and in association with a malefic planets like Saturn, sun, rahu or ketu and the Sun. The person could lose money or wealth in result of punishment by government

What Yogas of the second bhava could suggest loss through the government ?
if the lord of the 2nd(second) house of Kundli or Horoscope is in the 12th house or bhava & the lord of the 12th(twelfth) bhava is in second bhava of the horoscope.
also there is an energy exchange with the lagan or ascendant.
Also if the lord of the lagan or ascendant is with a malefic in the 8th house(Saturn, Rahu(dragon’s head), ketu(dragon’s Tail).
the person loses s wealth in result of the punishment by state or the government

What Yogas of the second bhava could suggest loss through the government ?
If the lord of 10th(tenth) house is located in the 11th house of Kundli or Horoscope & siting with the lord of the lagan(ascendant) .
additionally the condition is that it is situated in yartikantar or danshirakaral amsha the person could lose money or wealth due to government.

What Yogas of the second bhava could suggest loss through the thieves or government working against him ?
If the lords of the 2nd house(second bhava) and also the lagan or ascendant are located in hard or cruel divisions.
That is say Navamsha or d9 of a cruel planet. or are weak.
or may be connected or associated with malefic like ( Saturn(Shani), mars(mangal),Rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu(dragon’s tail)).
additionally the ascendant lord and also second bhava lord get associated with the lords or bad houses of the Kundli or Horoscope like 6th. 8th or 12th.
the person could suffers losses of money due to thieves.
also some command from the state or the government could come in against.
What Yogas of the second bhava or House could suggest loss through theft?
If the lord of the second house is in the 8th or eighth bhava with malefics like Saturn, mars, rahu(dragon’s head) and ketu(Dragon’s tail).
also if in division that is negative.
plus there is connection with first and second bhava lord.
then the person could lose wealth through defamation by the people.
if we track the lord of the sign occupied by the lord of the 2nd(second house house (like if second house is Virgo and lord mercury sits in the 4th bhava or house).
and then take the ruler of the d9 or Navamsha occupied by it. Like say if mercury the lord of second house for Leo sign is in Scorpio , and where mars is placed.
If this lord in the d9 or Navamsha Kundli or Horoscope is associated with a malefic planet or is in the malefic houses like 6th,8th, or 12th.
also there is a connection of all factors with lagan or ascendant.
There there are loses wealth through fire or theft.

How could the second house or Bhava placements in any Kundli or Horoscope make some one very poor ?
If the lord of the Navamsha or d9 sign occupied by the lord of the 2nd(second bhava) or house of Kundli or horoscope is located in the malefic or negative houses of 6th(sixth),8th(eighth) or 12th(twelfth).
also additionally there is association With a malefic like Saturn(Shani), rahu(dragon’s head),ketu(dragon’s tail) or mars(mangal) Or the condition is that it occupies Navamsha or d9 Kundli or horoscope of a cruel planet.
the person could get poor in this case.

What is the role of 8th, 6th, and 12th bhava houses and second house or Bhava placements in Kundli or Horoscope that could contribute to poverty of anyone ?
we clearly note that the second bhava or house that deals with wealth flows or money flows. If it is absorbing energies of bad houses like 8th, 9th, or 12th of the Kundli or horoscope.
also additionally there is more negative energy due to either a cruel planet like Saturn, mars, rahu or ketu it gets more negative energies.
also if say there is an energy absorption of a cruel navamsha or d9 Kundli or horoscope, then also more negative energy flows.
so this double negative energy causes poverty.

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope placements suggests less money flows-1 ?
In the Kundli or horoscope if the 2nd(second) house has malefics there – be it Saturn, mars, rahu and ketu or even Gulik.
also the lord of the 11th bhava of gains or house is afflicted by malefic in Kundli or horoscope.
the money flows to person would be less.

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope placements suggests less money flows-2 ?
If the lord of the Navamsha or the d9 Kundli or horoscope where 12th house lord is placed.
additionally is the ruler or lord or the 2nd house or there is an aspect due to the same.
also there is an additional condition that there is a debility in the same. :(.
also may be eclipsed & also weak in strength with malefic planets and in Kendra bhava(1,4,7,10) then the person could be poor money flow wise.

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope placements suggests less wealth or money to the person ?
also additionally if the ruler or lord of the Navamsha sign or d9 Kundli or horoscope occupied by the lord of 2nd house of the sign or rashi occupied by the 2nd house ruler (second bhava lord) .
It is in a bad shashtiamsha or d60 of the Kundli or horoscope. negative energies flow to wealth flows.
If the lord of the 2nd house is in a Kendra or a trine but is in its sign of debilitation.
eclipsed by Sun & in malefic shashtiamsha ( I / 60th division) the native has very little wealth.

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope placements suggests poverty ?
If the lord of the Navamsha or d9 is occupied by the lord of the 2nd or second t house is aspected by Jupiter and Venus .
but the additional condition is that it is placed in a malefic shashtiamsha d60 one would have wealth flows but not much .:(

How could the second house or Bhava of any Kundli or Horoscope placements suggests wealth flows despite negativity ?
If the lord or ruler of the Navamshas or d9’s in any Kundli or Horoscope occupied by the lords of the 11th( gains house) .
and also the second (2nd) houses are harsh or cruel in nature. but are placed in Kona(1,5,9) or also (4,7,10) house or bhava- still good flow of money would be there for the person.

What conditions in any kundli or Horoscope could still make someone rich ?
if the lords or rulers of Navamshas d9 of any kundli or Horoscope is occupied by the lords of the 11th(Gains) & 2nd(second bhava) houses are cruel or aggressive in nature.
be it Saturn (Shani),mars(mangal), rahu(dragon’s head) or ketu(dragon’s tail)- note all these are malefic planets.
But are in the Kona or Kendra bhava or houses like( 1,5,9 = Trikona bhava of any kundli or Horoscope) and (4,7,10= Kendra bhava of any kundli or Horoscope).
the person would still get rich.

What conditions in any kundli or Horoscope could still make one gain in life more ?
If the lord or ruler of the (second )2nd house is in “Vaisheshik”or say special amsha or varga or divisional chart or horoscope .
Plus the additional condition is that it is in the sign of exaltation or special amsha the native has total gains life.

What conditions in any kundli or Horoscope could make someone born rich ?
if lord or the ruler of the lagan or ascendant is in special division of the kundli or Horoscope or vaishehk amsha.
but the lord of the 2nd(second ) house is in malefic shashtiamsha or d60 horoscope(I/60th division).
Also the lords or rules of ascendant and second house or bhava are in the central position or Kendra bhavas or house of kundli or Horoscope .
The person could be born rich.
Here itself a strong energy flows to 2nd bhava or house for the special division of vasihesk amsha.
also d60 or shashtiamsha gives some malefic energy. but still if the lords are in strong position, the person would be born with proper wealth.

What conditions in any kundli or Horoscope could make some one suddenly rich ?
also In ease if the ruler or lord of the 10th house or bhava is situated with the lord of the 2nd(second house) .
also one more condition is that if the lord of the 11th house of any kundli or Horoscope is situated with the lord of Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the 10th house or bhava, one could become suddenly rich.
so here we see first a connection between the tenth bhava lord and second bhava lord of the Horoscope is done .
Then if the also the eleventh lord is sitting with the lord of Navamsha of the sign or rahu(Dragon’s head) occupied by 10th house or bhava lord.
so it makes the person suddenly rich as tenth house or house of action makes connection with the 11th bhava of the horoscope.

What conditions in any kundli or Horoscope could make someone get money through awards ?
if the lord or ruler of the Ascendant or lagna is in the second house of the kundli or Horoscope. additionally lord of 11th bhava is in 10th bhava.
additionally lord of the Navamsha sign occupied by the lord of the second house is a benefic like Jupiter, mercury, Moon or Venus.
The person would get wealthy by his or her fame.

What planetary Yogas could make someone earn a lot ?
If in any Kundli or Horoscope the lord of the Navamsha or d9 occupied by the lord of the lagna(ascendant) is aspected by the ruler of the Navamsha or d9 sign/rashi occupied by the lord of the 2nd house.
or maybe there is an aspect of planet Mercury or budha & Jupiter or guru .
one could still earn a lot.
The reason is that in this Kundli or Horoscope there is an energy exchange of the d9 or Navamsha lord of ascendant dispositor and second bhava dispositor in the d9 chart.
so this suggests that benefits of second bhava or house of wealth and status go to the ascendant or the first bhava or house.
so makes one have sufficient money or wealth.
so is this situation augmented by the flow of energy of Jupiter and mercury to the lagan or ascendant.

What planetary Yogas could make someone earn good money ?
also if in any Kundli or Horoscope lord or ruler of the Navamsha or d9 occupied by the lord of the ascendant situated in gopuramsha division or Varga or divisional chart chart.
additionally there is an aspect of the 10th house lord , still the person earns a lot.
here the dispositor of the lagna lord in the d9 or navamsha chart if it is healthy in Gopuramsha.
If the lord or the ruler of the Saptamsha d7 (1/7th division) has the lord of the Navamsha or d9 with 10th house of Kundli or Horoscope lord placed there.
also it is strong and there is an aspect of Venus or shukra. Also the benefic Jupiter or Guru aspects it. the person would earn good money.

PRACTICAL EXAMPLE of wealth flows by Ratan tata

How does based on second house of Kundli or Horoscope suggest great success and honour to Sri Ratan tata ji ?

How does the second bhava or House of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest great civilian awards for him :)?
The second bhava lord is Saturn, and it is fair enough in the Kendra bhava or the 4th bhava suggesting great gains and horoscope and image.:)
we need to note that Sri ratan Tata ji also got the Highest civilian award of Padma Vibhushan as well.
he had tons of wealth all is supported by this combination.
His being connected to the underdog based on his Kundli or Horoscope is clear from the 2nd bhava being placed in the 4th bhava of Kundli or Horoscope.
In fact there is exchange of energy between the second bhava and fourth bhava or horoscope of Sri ratan tata- giving him great reinforcement in image and also wealth flows and status.

How does the second bhava or House of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest that he could be an industrialist of High order?
also note Saturn in the 4th bhava of Kundli or Horoscope for ratan tata suggest a big house 🙂 or a big industrial House. which deals with metals. we know what tata steel is for .
sure Jupiter the benefic is there in the 2nd bhava of Sri Ratan tata

How does the Jupiter or Guru in second bhava or House of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest great gains for him:)?
but note Jupiter is the lord of lagan, so that suggests that lagan gets energy form 2nd bhava and 4th bhava well. that is wealth, status, and image( 4th house).
also note Jupiter being the lagan lord Sri ratan tata is benevolent and helpful to the masses.( connection with the 4th bhava).

What is the impact of the d9 or Navamsha chart or Horoscope(Kundli) for Sri Ratan Tata ji ?

How does also the d9 or Navamsha second bhava or House of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest great image and money flows to him :)?
Saturn or Shani is weak in the 5th bhava of d9 or Navamsha kundli and Horoscope of Sri ratan tata.
but that also suggest that Sri ratan tata would always think of money making and his image :).
as Saturn or Shani connects to the 2nd and 4th bhava of the d1 or lagan horoscope of Sri ratan tata.

How does the Saturn placement in the 5th bhava of d9 or Navamsha of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest some stress to him and outflows 🙁 and also his being charitable?
So some stress is there due to weak Saturn or Shani dev, he could at times get aggressive in terms of money earning means.
sun the lord of 5th house of d9 kundli and Horoscope is in the 12th position or 4th bhava in the d9 or Navamsha horoscope.
so suggest outflows of money for charity in case of Sri ratan tata ji.
we all know how charitable he is.

How does rahu or dragon’s Head in the d9 or Navamsha second bhava or House of Horoscope of Sri ratan Tata ji suggest great image and unexpected money flows to him :)?
also based on the pure d9 or Navamsha chart of Sri ratan tata ji, Venus is in its own sign or taurus.in the second house or bhava.
This naturally blessed him with great wealth and money. 🙂
also 7th bhava or house lord in 2nd bhava or house suggest gains due to partnerships and relationships.
rahu energy is in the 7th bhava or house for Sri ratan tata in his kundli and Horoscope, so suggest unexpected gains for him in life 🙂