TAURUS Personality:
Taurus has the Earth element in it and is the second sign of the zodiac. Making you fairly determined and stability oriented life. Especially if Venus is strong in your horoscope.
Earth element gives stability. Venus makes you love pleasures.,
Ruler ship of mars gives great love for society and love making. It could make you fairly possesive and causing fights in public at times.
Avoid being obstinate or insistent in your views.
Also being too sensitive and influenced by the environment may not work for your benefit.
TAURUS Love Horoscope & Married Life:
You are more affectionate than being only passionate. A true lover.
Being insistent in views could affect relationships in love and office.
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TAURUS Career Horoscope:
Careers to do with care industry-like hospitality(nurses), hotels or restaurants where you again take care of pleasures and comfort of people is suitable or you.
Also governmental position,music,art, gardening and flowers.
Sweet drinks and fluids related work is generally lucky for you.
Avoid being insistent in you views at work.
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TAURUS Money Horoscope:
Generally you will attract money. You have to avoid spending too much on comfort and being too insistent in your views to be successful.
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TAURUS Health Horoscope:
Generally gives a robust mind and body.
Being the second sign, throat, upper part of lungs and nose is something you would like to take care of.
TAURUS Year 2015 Horoscope Ending & 2016 Horoscope Overview:
Overall average time when you may feel fair enough energy and enthusiasm- on various fronts.
The intensity of love and passion in you could be very high. One has to avoid any fight or aggressive exchanges with family members or for your office colleagues
Responsibilities could be there. Deeper connections with opposite sex possible.Relationships, jobs,business and marital problems could come up. take good care of health of your loved ones.Travel could be on the cards.Sexual conduct has to be discreet.
FAMILY/FRIENDS: ABOVE AVERAGE: The emotions could be high and avoid fights. Enjoy closing domestic matters is important and available ends regarding responsibility on this occasion. The time could be eventful
CAREER : ABOVE AVERAGE: Time to stay peaceful and do the work/action with responsibility and full action.
LOVE/ROMANCE: ABOVE AVERAGE: Take advantage of the heightened passion and love levels with each other. Take good care of lover and not to get too excited or angry. Opposite sex could be attracted to you
FINANCE/STOCKS: ABOVE AVERAGE: Could be a good time for finances/stocks- willpower and imitative would help you do things better.
TAURUS Luck Improvement Suggestions for You:
TAURUS Lucky Signs and Life Partner Sins:
Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio
TAURUS Lucky Months:
September, January and November
TAURUS Lucky dates:
2,15,6,24(This date 24th needs special care on type of people you associate with)
TAURUS Lucky Colours:
Red and blue.
TAURUS Lucky Stones:
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