Cancer sign or Karkat rashi LOVE Horoscope:
Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people are a very emotional and sensitive person- so their partner needs to be very careful with them .
As for Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people a small trifle could make them feel that they are not loved or cared for ;).
They are being over anxious and sensitive could affect relationships. But at the same time, them or romantic nature could transform the relationships to a different dimension.
For Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people short term love relationships could be very passionate and intense.
But long-term relationships could be OK and may be them or partner is more philosophical or serious minded.
But they could still have difference in them or opinions with them r partner, who may not understand them r sensitive nature very well.

Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people Man Or Cancer Women as a Lover :
They are ruled by planet moon- that makes them more than average sensitive, especially for cancer women.
Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people could be doubtful about themselves as well.
Any lover of theirs has to deal with this, that is handle them or sensitive nature well and build up more confidence and trust for a fulfilling relationships.
Anyone else has to learn to respect their nature as it is.
The hard signs like Aries, Scorpio or Leo or even dry signs like Capricorn or Aquarius to some extent might have some adjustment issues initially with Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people .

How is the 5th house or Bhava of Love and romance for Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people’s horoscope or kundli ?
The passionate sign scorpion or vrishchika rashi rules the Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people 5th house or bhava of love for them.
this gives them highly passionate and deep love.:) also, they could sting back in love if they feel jilted any time.
The sign ahead of it is Libra the 4th house lord and is ruled by Venus or shukra and also the sign next to it I Sagittarius or dhanu rashi ruled by dev guru or Jupiter.
Jupiter and Venus both are benefic planets and mostly in harmony with the lord of lagan = moon.
but mars the 5th is in conflict with moon the lagna. so, Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people may face not so even environment for love matters in life.
The aspect of Venus the 7th aspect to this house or bhava is there. so, this makes them highly romantic and imaginative in love relationships. due to ix of Venus and moon energies.
The 9th aspect of Jupiter the lord of Pisces or Hindu name Guru, also blesses their unions and love matters .
so even if breakups are there due to mars moon conflict re connection is possible.
The 10th aspect of Saturn or Shani dev gives some points of difference with the lover or loved one.
so love could be passionate and intense- btu strong difference of opinions due to Saturn or Shani dev may come up for Cancer sign ascendant(Lagna) or Karkat rashi people .

Cancer Lover Good Dates For Love & Romance:
2,11,14(mixed effects),19(mixed effects),20(mixed results), 22(mixed results),23,1,10
Cancer Lover Dates Of Caution For Love & Romance:
9,18(hard date), 27, 8, 17,7,26
Cancer Lover Lucky months For Love & Romance:
July, May , March
January and August would be OK.
Cancer Lover – which sun signs are compatible with them r inner love nature
Cancer(own sign), Taurus(moon exalted in Taurus), Pisces(watery sign , same as cancer)
Capricorn(mixed effects) and Leo (mixed effects) would be OK.