Your Wealth Horoscope, Fortune , Gains & Prosperity- How Do You Judge the same? Based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish.


Your Wealth Horoscope, Fortune , Gains & Prosperity- How Do You Judge the same? Based on vedic Astrology or Jyotish.

Wealth, Fortune and gains is almost 99% of people want! We all want to be wealthy, have gains in whatever projects we do and also have the best ornaments to wear.

But the question is how much wealthy or prosperous  we could become  ? When will this wealth or prosperity or windfalls come in? The answers is given below.

What are the Various planetary Conjunctions for having wealth, Gains, Fortune and Prosperity?

  • If the house of gains is auspiciousness with planets like say Venus/mercury or Jupiter there- one would be happy all the times.
  • If the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in eleventh house or it is in a trine (that is 1,5,9 house) there will be a lot of gains. Also if the lord of eleventh house is exalted, although it is close to sun in combustion- there would be lot of gains.
  • If the lord of eleventh house or labha bhava is in the second house of dhana and also the lord of second house is with Jupiter in an angular house(4/7/10)- the gains to the person would be very good.
  • As Jupiter is for gains and any lord in angular house becomes strong.
  • If the lord of eleventh house is in the third house(sahaja bhava) and also the eleventh house has a benefic in it – there would be lot of gains in 36th year. As third house matures at 36th year of age.
  • If the lord of eleventh house is in conjunction with a benefic(Jupiter/Venus/mercury) in an angular house or is in trines(1/5/9)- the person would get very good gains in the 40th year. The energy of angular house start maturing at around 40 years and all angular house influence others. Like any planet in 7th or 9th would have effects on fourth house of vice versa.
  • The person would gain very well if the lord of eleventh house is occupied by planet Jupiter(guru) and also the second house and ninth house have moon and Venus there.
  • There will be exceptional gains and the person would have all the wealth, good fortune, precious stones, diamonds and ornaments if the benefic planets Jupiter, moon and mercury are in the eleventh house.
  • If the lord of gains is in the ascendant or lagan bhava and the lord of lagan or ascendant is the gains house(labha bhava).
  • The lord of gains or eleventh house is in second house or dhana bhava and the lord of second house is in eleventh house- one will gain a lord after marriage.
  • If the lord of eleventh house is in third house or shaja bhava and also the lord of third house is in house of gains( labha bhava),then as the third house represents the people born after or before you- the person would gain from his brothers and sisters and would have a lot of ornaments as 3rd house is environment and 11th house represents ornaments.
  • If the lord of gains is debilitated or weak or in combustion or be in malefic house like sixth house, eighth house or twelfth house and be with a malefic planet.

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