What is the real Suresh Raina from within? What awaits him in Indian cricket team, in the year 2016? Discover all this by science Vedic astrology
Name: Suresh Raina
Date of Birth: Thursday, November 27, 1986
Time of Birth: 12:00:00
Place of Birth: Ghaziabad
Longitude: 77 E 26
Latitude: 28 N 40
Time Zone: 5.5
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for Suresh Raina:
- The ascendant lord of Suresh Raina is Capricorn rashi ruled by Lord Saturn. This rashi/sign describes the ankles of the kala purusha (various parts of the human body have astrological correspondence). It’s a movable rashi and is an active sign, with windy disposition.
- This discipline of Saturn could give the key to success to Indian cricket team player Suresh Raina .The windy nature gives the basic swiftness to his batting and yes bowling of Suresh Raina .
- The lord of Capricorn sign is the planet of discipline and order that is sani/Saturn. This sign has earth element dominant, so gives the basic stability on earth(pitch) that any batsman needs)
- Suresh Raina’s ascendant Lord is in XIth house of gains, Suresh Raina will generally get with gains and have admirable good qualities,he would also have fame and also proper pleasure and gains from wife or spouse.
- The strength is in the southern direction. That is playing in southern India and Australia or new-zealand would be helpful for Suresh Raina .
- We know in his 2014-15 tour of Australia Suresh raina has been included into India’s test squad after almost a gap of two years. Suresh Raina was selected in the final Test match at Sydney, this was under the captainship of Virat Kohli of the Indian cricket team. Later on, he announced his return to form in the Tri-Series with a flamboyant 51 against Australians. You can see how Australia helped him to come back!
- Capricorn generally gives a large body with large body and variegated complexion and is found in forest and land. So Suresh Raina might take interest in outings in far flung areas of forests and land travel as well.
- The first half of the sign is four legged (quadruped) and the second half is footless that moves in water.
- There is an element of tamoguna , demoniac nature in Capricorn, means the success in western games like cricket is guaranteed.
2016 horoscope predictions for Suresh raina
- In Year 2016, Jupiter gets into his house 8th of Suresh Raina. So naturally his interest in occult studies could increase. It would be a balle balle year for him and with high energy and gains.There could be un expected gains in fortune as sun sits in 8th house of suresh. Interest in occult and tantra/astrology may grow. Expected sudden gain in fortune possible. May not be very good for father’s health but good land deals.

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