Legal Matters, Court Cases & Litigation Guidance Report by A Highly Experienced Vedic Astrologer(25+ years)-Along With Remedies based on Vedic Astrology or Jyotish
What Causes Conflicts in life?
- One may wonder what is the cause of conflicts or in the worst case litigation or court cases? The Vedic astrology or Jyotish has simple and direct answers for this.
- Conflict is caused by affliction of lords of 6th house(primarily) or ari bhava, 8th house the randhr bhava or 12th house the Vyaya bhava to various houses.
- Like aspect of a lord of 6th house to 7th house could cause conflicts in marriage and also job a 7th house the yuvati bhava deals with the marital and relationship. By natal aspect in your birth chart or transits(gochar) or dasha of the above planets in your birth chart(kundli) or horoscope.
- Or say a malefic aspect of 12th house lord and may be 6th house lord of 4th house or family house could cause strong conflict or disputes and confinement or jail as well. By natal aspect or transits(gochar) or dasha of the above planets in your birth chart(kundli) or horoscope.
- Also malefic planets like mars, Saturn and rahu-ketu could cause conflicts by natal aspects or in transit or dasha effects in your birth chart or kundli(horoscope).
- The good news is the intensity of conflicts or problems at office, job, career, business, marriage, family, land,relationships could be reduced by simple but yet effective remedies.
- Get a highly personalized & hand-written around 8 pages comprehensive report, which has accurate and reliable analysis of your situation or problem, written by an Expert Vedic Astrologer of over 25+ years experience in India and USA.
- The report covers the complete impact of your sixth house, eighth house and twelfth house and also Rahu,Ketu, Saturn(shani) and mars in your Horoscope or Kundli. Along with FREE yet powerful remedies and suggestions for you to be bale to solve your problem,s much better.
- We have thousand’s of satisfied & happy customers in India & abroad- helped by this report.
- The report is affordably priced as compared to value it would deliver to you in terms of much smarter decision making in regard to legal matters, hence enhancing the chances of your over all success, by simply referring to this report from time in near future- leading to a lot of saving lot of your Money,Time,Effort & also Helping you to Worry less & maintain your Peace of Mind!

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===>(B)Legal Matters Report ADVANCED(A High powered Report with Additional MOON Chart and D9 or Navamasha charts Checks< remedies to help you More):
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Who Needs This Report?
- Apart from the regular legal advice & counselling- Anyone who is in a conflict or dispute situation- be it marital, family, Job or Career related or property or any other disputes this is a very valuable guidance.
- Or if anyone is involved in dispute of claims like medi-claims , Consumer Forums, Life Insurance or is involved in Litigation related matters to do with the honorable courts or arbitration’s etc.
What Do You Get In This Report
- An accurate analysis of the causes of your current situation to do with legal matters. Along with your chances of success of the case.
- BONUS remedial measures suggested enhancing the chances of your
- Complete & In-depth analysis of what exactly (which planets or houses, transit or dashas )has caused the conflict situation and how best to address the situation.
- Accurate & simple almost no cost remedies for litigation or legal matters and the specific impacted planets.
- BONUS: Coming 2 year scan for you based on your current dasha’s in your birth chart or kundli.
- BONUS: As any Question of your choice related to your legal matter or dispute situation & get an answer

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30$/1499 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To Get Your Discount!)
” … My Son has been into marital conflict since past 10 years. thanks for your kind advice- we are relieved from the constant troubles we had to face and the matter is now amicably resolved.I send my blessings to you.
D N J Delhi “