• You get to know exactly which kind of health problems you are more prone to based on your Horoscope or Kundli(birth chart).
• What would be the state of health of your mind, heart, lungs or other Vital organ.
• Tells you exactly the strength and weakness of each of your horoscope or kundli planets right from sun(surya),moon(chandra),jupiter(guru),mercury(budha),venus(shukra),saturn(shani) to mars(mangal). So that you can pin point which body part or system or organ is weak in your kundli/horoscope and prone to what kind of disease or discomfort in life or near future.
• If you have an immediate problem or have a worry about future- it gets addressed in this report.
• You get a next 3 years ( includes 2017/18/19/20) overview of your health status.
• How to keep yourself fit in all sense (mind, Body and soul),which physical culture suits You(Yoga, Gymnasium , Jogging,swimming,karate or kick Boxing etc) overall guidance based on Vedic Astrology is there- the value of which is worth in gold.
• Full confidentiality maintained about you and the safety of your data.
In short this report is a valuable guide for your over all health and well being.
• BONUS Remedies that help you solve or reduce the impact of your health issues to keep yourself fitter.
• You Get Good Quality,Reliable & Low Cost Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!

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What is Health & Fitness Horoscope Report About?
Health and Fitness as we know are intimately connected. When we talk about health , it as per Ayurveda( the ancient medicinal System Practiced In India since thousands of years) says is holistic or over all health of mind, body and spirit. That is health of your mind(stress levels),muscles, your internal organs like heart,lungs,liver etc. The health of your endocrine glands, circulatory System etc.
As Vedic Astrology closely connects to Ayurveda, sometimes its also called as Ayur-vedic Astrology. Which is a potent system to tell you about your past, current or future state of your health accurately.
This helps to take preventive steps beforehand, do the right exercises suited for you to keep yourself fit and also one could use astral remedies to avoid relapse or intensity of health issues. This is the reason innumerable people are Turning to Health astrology or Ayur-vedic Astrology to secure better health for future.
How is the Health & Fitness Report Prepared?
Your vedic Birth Chart is erected first based on your birth data, place and time of Birth. Now based on this birth Chart the houses, planets, Yoga’s(planetary combinations) & Dashas (planetary periods) are identified that could cause health problems now or in future.
Any pertinent health problem that you might have is also analyzed along side by an expert Vedic Astrologer.
What is the Need For a Health & Fitness Report?
As the saying goes – “forewarned is fore-armed”. It helps as a preventive measure for you to prevent health issues or reduce the impact of health issues altogether by exercise , Yoga or astral remedies.
We have typical queries in mind, like when would my heart trouble be resolved or when would I get relived with the trouble of liver problem I am facing. Or say would I be hale and hearty in year 2016-17 etc.
This report works as an adjunct to regular medical diagnostics in helping in preventing possible health issues or reducing our anxiety or worry about any health issues troubling You now.
You Get Good Quality,Reliable & Low Cost Astrology Report, Assured by IIT Alumnus(World Class Experts in Vedic Astrology & Numerology)!
50% OFF:60$/3998 Rs.
30$/1499 Rs. .( ORDER NOW To Get Your Discount!)
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VIEW SAMPLE – LATEST! Health & Fitness Ayurvedic Astrology Report-LATEST!
VIEW SAMPLE Health & Fitness Report
Customer reviews
” …As a lady , I being 30 plus age group, I was keen to keep myself fit and with proper body weight. I tried various things like jogging, gymnasium, scientific weight reduction program and even Yoga! They helped me for some time and then again I used to gain weight and become lazy due to thyroid problem. I was a bit frustrated by my efforts.
Then based on your health report I realized that one of the core signification for my increased weight is moon primarily and also thyroid due to badly placed 2nd house lord. I followed the simple remedies suggested with you and I still follow the doctor’s advice plus do yoga and my weight is coming to normal with my agility in place. Thanks for your help!
Sonali India”