About this article ?
The overall summary of d10 or dashamsha chart is given.
This article it length deals with d10 or dashamsha chart in general.
It tells about each and every house meaning of the d10 chart. so also This article talks about divisions or the 1/10 part of a sign. the meaning and impact of planet in the same.
So again the role of various planets and Yoga’s in the d10 chart or Horoscope are looked at.
How it use d10 chart to fine-tune the results of d1 are also covered on a case by case basis.
To explain the d10 career analysis better a practical example of cricketer Virat Kohli is taken at the end of the article. telling exactly how he short to fame etc .

D10 horoscope or dashamsha chart in general details
Apart from the placement of 10th lord in the d1 chart or lagna chart. this divisional chart d10 gives the energies to do with career and job specifically. it is analyzed as a separate chart or horoscope. The placement of various planets and especially the 10th house lord is evaluated in various houses, signs and sub division of the 10 parts of the sign.
The D10 chart (also known as Dashamsha or Dasamsa) is a divisional chart in Vedic astrology, particularly focused on understanding an individual’s career, professional life, achievements, status, and authority.
It reveals the path of one’s career, the level of success or recognition one may achieve, and challenges or opportunities in the professional sphere.
The D10 chart is derived by dividing each zodiac sign in the birth chart into 10 parts of 3° each, providing a deeper layer of analysis beyond the natal chart (D1 or Rashi chart)
Here is a detailed analysis of the key aspects of a D10 chart:
Ascendant (Lagna) in D10 Chart:
The ascendant refer to self or ones attitude towards career or job. Like a person with 12th sign Pisces as lagna may take it as a casual path or a path of spiritual up-liftment. so also dharma and astrology may be of keen interest to the person . 🙂
The Ascendant in the D10 chart represents your overall approach towards your career and professional life.
It shows how you project yourself in your workplace and how you tackle career challenges.
The sign in the Ascendant can give clues about your work ethic, your role in the professional world, and how others defines in the context of your career.
For example, a Capricorn ascendant would suggest a practical, hardworking, and determined approach to work, while a Pisces ascendant might show a more creative, intuitive, and flexible career path.
10th Lord in D10 Chart:
The 10th lord tells you how your career is implemented in reality. It’s the core essence of the career. so say if Jupiter is there or say Sagittarius is there as the 10th lord. it means work to do with good work, studies Vedas or even astrology is there.
The lord of the 10th house in the D10 chart is one of the most important planets for understanding career direction and potential success.
The placement, strength, and dignity of the 10th lord in the D10 chart signify how you approach your profession, what type of profession is suitable for you, and your level of career achievement.
For instance, if the 10th lord is in a strong sign and house (like in its own sign, exaltation, or angular house), it indicates success, stability, and growth in career.
A weak 10th lord can indicate challenges and fluctuating career paths
10th House in D10 Chart:
The 10th house in the D10 chart is the house of career, authority, and professional accomplishments.
It is crucial to examine the sign occupying this house and any planets residing there.
Planets in the 10th house of D10 can indicate the nature of your profession:
Sun in the 10th house: Strong leadership qualities, government-related jobs, or public recognition.
Saturn in the 10th house: Saturn or shani dev interaction with the house and signs of the d10 chart suggest connection to various facets of career. it means they will be achieved with Hard work, long-term projects, industries like mining, construction, or legal effort.
Venus in the 10th house:
venus is a planet of comforts and luxury. it being in various positions add to comfort and gains to those planets or position where it is placed.
Like Venus placed in 11th house means gains in career from friends and well wishers as well. Careers in arts, fashion, luxury goods, or entertainment.
The placement of the 10th lord of the D1 chart (Rashi chart) in the D10 chart is also significant.
If the 10th lord of D1 chart occupies a good house in the D10 chart, it can strengthen career prospects.
Strength of Planets in D10:
strong planets in d10 chart give better results in career. like for example strong venus in d10 chart could give great comfort and luxury or salary gains in career. So also Saturn strong in d10 chart means a lot of hard work to be done at the person end.
The strength of the planets in the D10 chart can make or break a professional career.
Check if any planets are in exaltation, debilitation, or their own sign as this impacts career growth.
Exalted planets (for example, Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer) in the D10 chart indicate great potential for success and recognition in the professional sphere.
Debilitated planets (like Saturn in Aries, Venus in Virgo) may show obstacles, delayed success, or struggles in professional life.
Malefic planets (Saturn, Rahu, Mars, etc.
) in the D10 chart need to be studied carefully, as they can either create hurdles or drive you to work harder and overcome challenges, depending on their dignity and aspects.

Significations of Each House in D10 Chart:
1st House (Ascendant): Your attitude and approach towards work, how you project yourself in your profession.
2nd House: Wealth accumulated through profession, resources and skills used in your career.
3rd House: Communication skills, self-effort, and networking abilities that help in career growth.
4th House: Comfort in the workplace, work-life balance, emotional stability regarding work.
5th House: Creativity, intelligence in profession, speculative ventures, and opportunities for distinction.
6th House: Work environment and especially challenges, rivals or competition, and service-related fields.
7th House: Partnerships and collaborations in the professional field, dealing with the public in career .
8th House: Sudden changes in profession, hidden or transformative aspects of career.
9th House: Luck and fortune in career, higher education’s impact on professional life, long-distance travel for work.
10th House: Professional achievements, recognition, status, and public image.
11th House: Gains from profession, networking, professional alliances, and large groups.
12th House: Expenses related to profession, work in foreign lands, and spiritual or charitable work.

Yoga’s in D10 Chart:
Dhana Yoga’s in d10 means great flow of money and gains in career. raja Yoga especially of the 10th house lord in d10 chart means great gains in career. especially good name and fame.
Certain yoga’s in the D10 chart can indicate strong career success or challenges. so also vipreet raja Yoga’s when the lord of 6th, 8th and 12th house lord connect. so negatives balance out. Like for the business magnate Mukesh ambani the 8th lord Saturn or shani dev connects to malefic ketu in the 7th house of d10 chart. suggesting exceptional new relationships or partnerships formed by him.
Raj Yoga’s (combinations of Kendra and trikona lords) can signify high status and authority in professional life.
Dhan Yoga’s (combinations between wealth and career-related houses) show financial gains from profession.
Vipreet Raj Yoga (when lords of dusthana houses, such as the 6th, 8th, or 12th, combine) can bring success after overcoming difficulties

8 Analyzing Career Potential from D10:
The type of profession can be analyzed based on the dominant planets and houses in the D10 chart.
For example:
the basic energy that dominates the d10 chart defines the career. as d10 deals with career itself. so a strong Saturn would mean a planning and management work or even labor oriented work. so again sun means leadership related work. mercury takes cone towards communication work or advisory roles or media work. Moon towards travelling and at times food. Venus is luxury of beauty or comfort work. Ketu if strong and exalted it could mean bhakti or research or prayers.
Saturn-dominant charts may indicate careers in law, government services, construction, or labor-related fields.
Jupiter-dominant charts may lead to roles in education, religion, law, or advisory roles.
Mercury-dominant charts often relate to communication, writing, media, or business.
The direction of your career and the potential for authority or entrepreneurship can also be determined by the strength of the Ascendant and 10th house in the D10 chart
9 Aspect of Benefics and Malefic:
Benefic aspects (from planets like Jupiter, Venus, or well-placed Moon) to key career houses or planets in the D10 chart can indicate smooth career growth, opportunities, and support from others.
Malefic aspects (from Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, or Mars) might suggest challenges, delays, or hard work, but with potential for great rewards if overcome.
The core directions we get from the d1 chart and d10 is used to fine tune the energies of the 10th lord of d1 chart. so also how various planets continue to the career or job. Planets in comfort in d10 suggest good gains in career in their period at least if d1 also the planets are strong enough.
The D10 chart is an essential tool for fine-tuning the analysis of one’s career and professional path in Vedic astrology.
By examining the Ascendant, the 10th house, the 10th lord, and the planetary influences in the D10 chart, one can gain valuable insights into career growth, potential success, and the timing of key events.

How to Calculate the dasamsa Divisional Horoscope OR Varga Birth Chart , and the Divisions Ruler ship by Various Deities.
In case of dasamsa or the 10th harmonic divisional chart, the lordships of the parts of the 10 parts of the sign are taken from the same sign or rashi for odd signs(like aries(1),Gemini(3) etc) and the lordship is taken from 9th sign is the sign happens to be an even sign.
Each of the 10 sub divisions of the sign are of 3 degrees each( we know 3×10=30) .As we know 3×10 Degrees makes 30 degrees a sign.
The rules or the direction in case of directions are(for odd sign given below, all this is reversed in case of even sign it starts from anantha,Brahma upwards):
• Indra
• Agni
• Yama
• Rakshasa
• Varuna
• Vayu
• Kuber
• Isan
• Brahma
• and Ananth
In the D10 (Dashamsha) chart, each of the 10 divisions is ruled by a deity, representing different energies and aspects of professional life.
These deities symbolize the stages or influences that may manifest in one’s career or status.
Here is a detailed explanation of each division and its ruling deity:
1 Indra (1st Division)
Indra is the head of devtas and with good dignity. so any planet here has that dignity. especially if the 10th house lord is in this division of d10, the career could be of headship and dignity. The person gets good respect in job or career and growth is generally steady.
Indra, the king of the gods and ruler of the heavens, represents authority, power, and leadership in the D10 chart.
When your Dashamsha is influenced by Indra, it indicates a rise in career through authoritative positions, political power, or high-ranking roles.
It reflects victory over challenges and the ability to command respect in your profession.
Those under Indra’s influence may achieve prominent status and recognition, similar to a ruler in their field
2 Agni (2nd Division)
Agni means fire or action and energy and so also innovation or new things. so planets here in the d10 are charged with energy and action. this is modified by house and sign placement of the planet. but especially the 10th house lord here means a management job . or infact a high profile management job. where is there high passion and energy to burn problems..
Agni, the god of fire, symbolizes energy, transformation, and drive in the D10 chart.
Agni’s division relates to the passion, ambition, and determination needed to succeed in one’s profession.
This division emphasizes the ability to overcome obstacles through willpower and hard work.
It often leads to careers that involve innovation, change, and the pursuit of knowledge, particularly in fields requiring quick thinking and adaptability.
Mukesh ambani the great business magnate has his 10th house lord in this divisions.
3 Yama (3rd Division)
yama is the brother of Saturn or shani dev and hence the planets of discipline and yes karma. so planet or especially 10th house lord here means work to do with judgment and discipline,. Like law or even astrology or some admin related work.
Yama, the god of death and justice, represents discipline, duty, and ethics in the Dashamsha.
Yama’s influence brings a strong sense of responsibility and a structured approach to career matters.
Professions related to law, justice, government services, and ethical governance are often linked to this division.
Those under Yama’s influence must adhere to principles and act with fairness, as this energy also brings consequences for unethical actions.
4 Rakshasa (4th Division)
Rakshasa means a demon, so also demands are competitive in nature. so planet here creates more strife conflict and competition. If 10th house lord here means anyone in the competitive world of business or even politics.
Rakshasa, the demon or protector, represents challenges, competition, and the darker aspects of power in the D10 chart.
This division brings out competitive traits, where one may face enemies or obstacles in their career.
However, it also grants the strength to overcome such adversities through force, strategy, and resilience.
Professions that involve risk-taking, such as politics, defense, or entrepreneurship, are associated with this division.
5 Varuna (5th Division)
varuna is a god of water or rains. so planets here are fluid and changeable .say if 10th house lord here means one could have a job to arbitrate or cooperate within teams. so also it could mean a travelling job or entailing a lot of creativity.
Varuna, the god of water and cosmic law, governs wisdom, adaptability, and the flow of life in the D10 chart.
Varuna’s division signifies professions that require flexibility, creativity, and an understanding of the bigger picture, such as research, academics, or governance.
His influence often brings a deep connection to truth and justice, and those under Varuna’s guidance are skilled in managing complex situations with grace and balance.
6 Vayu (6th Division)
Vayu means air, or say means connection and communication. it could also mean freedom or mercury like qualities. planets here are more free and communicative. so airy things like journalism or talking or teaching etc could fall in this category.
Vayu, the god of wind and air, signifies communication, movement, and freedom in the D10 chart.
This division is associated with professions that involve travel, exploration, and the exchange of ideas, such as media, journalism, writing, or aviation.
Vayu’s energy promotes flexibility and adaptability, with an emphasis on quick decision-making and the ability to work under dynamic, fast-paced conditions.
7 Kubera (7th Division)
Kubera is essentially a demon and brother of the mighty ravana. Kubera was supposed to be very rich :). so all wealth and money related dealing are done by him. so if a planet or especially 10th house lord sits here in this division. one could be involved more in money dealings.
Kubera, the god of wealth, signifies prosperity, financial success, and material abundance in the Dashamsha.
Kubera’s division indicates success in careers related to finance, banking, business, and investments.
Individuals influenced by this division are often drawn to professions that provide wealth accumulation and security, and they possess a natural ability to manage resources effectively, often resulting in material gains and high status
8 Isan (8th Division)
Isan is name of Lord shiva. that is a different name for him. so planet here or 10th house lord here means one is focused on counseling and spiritual work. It’s more of healing divisions as such. so the focus is more on inner traits and changes.
Isan (also associated with Lord Shiva) represents spirituality, detachment, and transformation in the D10 chart.
This division is linked to careers that involve spiritual growth, healing, or professions requiring deep wisdom, such as counseling, teaching, or medicine.
Isan’s energy emphasizes the need for inner transformation and understanding, often requiring one to balance material success with spiritual pursuits or sacrifices .
9 Brahma (9th Division)
Brahma is the Hindu GOD for creation. so it means creating new things or innovation and engineering both. so it could mean any profession where innovation is involved. it could be academics or even arts or sculpture or anything for that matter.
Brahma, the creator god, signifies creativity, intellect, and knowledge in the Dashamsha.
Brahma’s division is strongly associated with intellectual professions such as teaching, writing, arts, and engineering.
Individuals under this influence are highly creative and innovative, often excelling in professions that require thought leadership and the creation of new ideas or systems.
This division emphasizes the role of creation and intellectual contribution in career growth.
10 Ananth (10th Division)
Ananath is lord Vishnu but in a sense it also means infinity. so any planet or especially the 10th house lord here means long term standing or results. even in services or management roles long term jobs come under its purview.
Ananth (an aspect of Lord Vishnu), representing infinity and preservation, symbolizes stability, continuity, and protection in the D10 chart.
This division relates to long-lasting careers, often in fields where endurance and sustaining growth are key, such as civil service, education, or management roles.
Ananth’s influence provides the individual with the ability to maintain their position and create lasting legacies, ensuring security and sustained success over time.
Each of these divisions in the D10 chart contributes a unique influence on a person’s professional life, offering insights into the type of career, challenges, and successes one may experience

Interpretation of Dasamsa varga(career) or divisional chart- D10 – with example chart:

Dasamsa Chart
The lord of career in lagna is Venus , is not very comfortable with moon in 5th house, but has the energy exchange of Jupiter.
So over all there could be fluctuations in career and job.
Note in dasamsa the ascendant lord in on Gemini and hence not very strong, though in Kendra(4th house).
Sun the karaka for career rules 6th and sits in the ascendant- so he could face a lot of trouble in job , to his image & also enmity due to this.
Career lord is Jupiter in D10, so this suggest teaching jobs, or jobs to do with Vedic sciences like ayurveda or training would suit this guy.
All the above predictions are confirmed by real life.

The d10 or dashamsa varga chart analysis for virat Kohli with Birth Time rectifications.
Birth Details of Virat kohli
- Virat Kohli
- Date of Birth: 5th November, 1988
- Time of Birth: 10:28 AM (Unconfirmed)
- Place of Birth: Delhi, India

As virat kohli’s exact time is not known so first step let us do a birth time rectification for him with a life event?
Virat Kohli lost his respected father in the morning hours on December 19, 2006 succumbed to a heart attack. Event used for checking the accuracy of Virat Kohli birth time.
Virat Kohli was playing a Ranji Trophy match against Karnataka team. in That period he is running mars =mercury sub dasa , mars is the lord of bad health that is twelfth house of Virat kohli and is a natural malefic and it affects his mercury, the tenth and seventh lord of relationships and yes career and action.
Mercury is close to sun the karaka for father ad in this chart or horoscope with Sagittarius lagna as the lord of ninth bhava or house of father.
yes in transit sun is in the twelfth house of bad health in the Scorpio sign; Saturn is vet weak in the ninth house of father.
father’s heart is by mercury that is impacted by sun a malefic, mars in dasha and sun in transit in twelfth house and also Saturn weak in degree and in enemy sign in the house of father. so create a sever condition for fathers bad health.
so this chart could be OK.now let us check one more event.

The marriage dates of virat kohli and anushka sharma is 11 December 2017 used for cross checking the accuracy of Horoscope of virat Kohli
This time he or virat runs rahu Saturn sub dasa.
Saturn rules his family house of second bhava and also rahu is in the house of action and initiatives and aspects the seventh bhava of relationships.
Now mercury the marriage lord of seventh house has just entered the ninth bhava along with Saturn the lord of marriage at 1.2 degree. There is retrogression as well.
Jupiter the causative planet for family for virat kohli is in the eleventh house giving very good energy to natal mercury of virat kohli so supporting marriage.
so once again based on the dasha and transits the horoscope of virat kohli would be fairly accurate.
More fine tuning or birth time rectification in the horoscope would come with d60, nadi and other techniques, that we will not do it here.
let us check the status of the lagna charts or horoscopes tenth lord in which degree is it found in the d10 horoscope?
the lord of career for virat is mercury the lord of Virgo sign. this is in the house of gains and benefits that is the eleventh house with the planet of fame and luck that is sun. One has to note that mercury for virat kohli is not combust. so a definite promise of gains and status in career is promised there.
the eighth lord moon is also there, so possible sudden loss fop position in moon dasa or in say 2020 when moon energy is strong is there.
Venus the blesses of comfort and luxury is the lord of the eleventh house as well is in the tenth house so again promises, gifts money and luxury in career and due to action.
What does the d10 or dashamsa chart of virat Kohli say about his career, success and otherwise?
now in the d10 chart mercury the lord of tenth house of career is again in the tenth house so making him the action king in his field.
mercury is also on the sign of mars that is Scorpio so again adds to the action of virat kohli. and yes mars connect closely to cricket and so does Venus as Venus is there in the tenth house in the lagna chart.
Mars in the d10 or dashamasa is blessed by the power and leadership of sun in the third house of action one can see and also blessed with grace of Jupiter or guru the lord of gains and yes wealth flows and status the second bhava of virat kohli.
so over all a bombastic combination for success, money and grace of GOD and leadership position is indicated in the d10 chart of virat kohli.
Mula nakshatra in the lagna makes him ambitious and yes handsome and turned to philosophy; all is reflected in the game of cricket for virat kohli. but yes also prone to marital discord, note he has mar in the fourth house in this natal chart. we wish him success and GOD will protect him on this.
but due mula nakshatra or star gives him the drive to be at the top of anything and also moon makes him liked, successful and stable. the philosophy is reflected in the d10 chart as well with the lagan lord being Aquarius.
so over all the power of mercury, sun, Jupiter in the d1 chart and d10 chart or dashamsa makes Virat a formidable force to be overcome in success
Your complete FULL CAREER HOROSCOPE and 3 years predictions with Remedies! .
- Your complete FULL Life Job/Career/Love/Money/sex/family/Legal etc with Accuracy worked out in 12 Houses and Coming 1 to 3 years predictions! .