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ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिंम् पुष्टिवर्धनम् ।
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ।।
Om tryambakam yajāmahe sugandhim puṣti-vardhanam ǀ
urvārukam-iva bandhanā mṛtyormukṣīya māmṛitāat ǁ
The Sacred VEDAS(Most Ancient & Authentic Hindu Scriptures) Affirm that: There Is No Problem In the Universe To Which There Is No Solution.
What Is MahaMrityunjay Jaapam/Yagya
The bare essence of the mantra (incantation) is to prayer to supreme lord Shiva to remove the bondage’s. The bondage’s could be of any kind- be it mundane(worldly) or spiritual in nature. So in principle it can be used to achieve any specific goal- be it bondage or restrictions caused due to diseases, wealth, career or relationships etc.
Also lord shiva( on of the forms of Supreme Lord/GOD), has rulership of all the planets. So this yajna could help to reduce or remove bad effects of any planet- ranging from sun,moon,Jupiter,rahu,mercury,venus,ketu,Saturn or mars.
The different number of chants given below depend on how bad or good the planetary situation is in your personal horoscope. If You have Any Queries in this regard, please feel free to send your queries to astrozing.com@gmail.com , we will get back to you soon.
• 11,000 chanting of mantras- includes Havan PLUS Chanting for All Planet Mantras.
20,000 ₹/308 $.
• 21,000 chanting of mantras – chanting of mantras- includes Havan PLUS Chanting for All Planet Mantras.
25,000 ₹/384 $.
• 51,000 chanting of mantras – chanting of mantras- includes havan PLUS Chanting for All Planet Mantras.
40,000 ₹/618 $.
• 125,000 chanting of mantras- includes havan PLUS Chanting for All Planet Mantras.
70,000 ₹/1077 $.
” …I was in between consulting jobs and badly wanted a new assignment.Though I was running mercury which is strong for me that time, but Rahu transiting to Scorpio had opened up a hornet’s nest for me.Thanks for the maha mrtiyunjaya and planetary Yagya- that kept my mind cool and i was selected without any hassles for a rewarding consulting job.It gives me satisfaction, that I have got more than what I had invested . Many thanks.
pankaj India”
” …I was quite depressed as my father was detected with an serious disease. Yes, I tried various alternatives, like modern medicines,Ayurveda and homeopathy. I got some results but I was not satisfied.We were planning operation of the organ as per suggestions of the doctor.Also astrologically the house & planet ruling the organ were weak. But then after doing the suggested mantra chanting by you along with use of modern medication, the healing improved a lot & doctors were surprised as well to see that the disease was reduced significantly.Now we have an easier path to recovery. We really appreciate your help in this regard.
Anil India”