Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Predictions VIRGO or Kanya rashi
Your Weekly VIRGO HOROSCOPE Or Kanya Rashi Predictions for the WEEK Starting MONDAY on 16 DECEMBER are Given Below:

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Weekly Predictions VIRGO

For the most of the week(Monday To Thursday/Friday),expect:
This could be an average time for you. Expect more than usual hard work and responsibilities coming to you. Good for business/work matters and business/work related communications. Cash on opportunities that come your way. Time for love may be less- so let not frustration come in. Let not dryness come in with family member or in regard to love matters. More than usual responsibility and work could be there at various fronts. More responsibility at home front is a high possibility.

For weekends(Saturday & Sunday) ,expect: Time for fun and outings/cinema/park or visiting places with family members or close ones . ,let not fun conflict with your roles and responsibilities at home or office.

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