What lies hidden in future of India in terms of Economy, Industry, Society,Terrorism and Politics this year based on Vedic Astrology.
Name: India (country)
Date of Birth: 15 August 1947
Time of Birth: 12:00:00
Place of Birth: Delhi
-Time Zone: 5.5
Astrology 2016 Horoscope & Predictions for India:
- The ascendant of India is Taurus, which is ruled by planet Venus. The planet Venus represents beauty and comfort and yes sensitivity. We know that barring certain problems here and there- India is not only beautiful and deep in its culture the people here have a great heart as well. A true representation of planet Venus.
Venus also supports good economy, so in long run India would be playing important role in world economy- but mostly in health & beauty products. Heath includes health care software as well. - Taurus is and earth sign and the sign rise with its back first. Now we know India primarily is Agriculture based Country and people love their mother land due to a several thousand year old rich culture.
- Now the sign Taurus rules the south direction and also rules night. So major focus Of India would be south. Now we know that despite Himalayas being prime repository of spiritual treasures , most of our culture is more coherently maintained in south India.
- Taurus has an influence on villages and yes being a sign of Venus has command over business. Yes, India has a major focus on Villages as welled spite Urbanization pressures.Infact mahatma Gandhi ji wanted things that way only for India. Yes India has also been great in business, especially Information technology.India infact has an agricultural economy.
- As Venus is a bit weak for India, so we are not getting business or other things in full throttle, soon India will get its due in terms of boost in Economy, Industry etc,
- As the lord of ascendant that is lagan of India is in 3rd house of initiatives, it gives a great degree of initiative to the India & Its people. Looking at the degree of innovations done in the ancient past of India by the rishis in almost every area inclusive of spirituality and also look at what engineers have done at Silicon Valley of USA California, we know for sure India is an Initiative driven country. But , the planet Venus needs more strength as the strength of moon fluctuates.
- This position of Venus also gives money and wealth, good intelligence and happiness.
- India want to do something of their own and are courageous like a lion.india has developed its own rockets, missiles, airplanes, computers- majorly by it won mettle.
2016 horoscope predictions for India
- Rahu transit in 4th house aspects 10th house and 8th house and also 11th. So it might impact the image of the person. We know the pathankot recent attacks of terrorism in early January 2016 are a reflection of these effects as rahu is about to get into 4th
- Rahu could cause Unexpected work or issues at industry front could crop up(Like labor problems or decline in productivity)- but Jupiter would balance it well (look below readings). That is Jupiter would provide the buffer for all the ups and downs by Rahu.People who are rebellious(terrorists) could gang up against India,as we have seen in the Year starting and also In Jan mid as well of 2016.Jupiter and GOD would help India to fight these people well.
Months of April,September and November 2016 might need more care form India’s perspective to guard health of politicians and guard its borders better.
- Un expected issues in gains could be there. This transit helps the soul of India that is spirituality- so it will get a boost. It means other sciences like Astrology, Numerology, Ayurveda,Yoga, Vedic Mathematics, Yoga etc should get a boost this year as well.
- The transit of Jupiter in 4th house also helps improvements and changes at home(country).That means betterment to the Indian Economy and yes more jobs for the Youth. Also more family additions or more boost to construction Industry could be there. It might also mean acquiring of new technologies from foreign countries by India.
- As there is an aspect on 10th house of career it might means good time for career Of India as Nation.More percentage of Pay hikes, more influx of foreign money into India. There could Career expansion (means much more jobs) and fun and travel related activities In India. Fun filled actions (More focus on fun. Tourism etc).
- There is an aspect top the 8th house, so means improvement in landed property, interest in occult, astrology and ancient sciences could be there. Improvement in longevity and gains could be there

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