Your Weekly ARIES HOROSCOPE Or Mesah rashi Predictions for the WEEK Starting MONDAY on 16 DECEMBER are Given Below:

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Weekly Predictions ARIES

For the most of the week(Monday To Thursday/Friday),expect: Try to continue with all your good behaviour and connect well with people. The idea is usually to balance emotions/personal life and office. There could possibly be conflicts involving priorities regarding business/work or family/personal matterss.Good time to cash with opportunities with business/work in addition to finance. There can be meeting people related to work.

Strong conflicts or fights could come in this time. Just take it easy. Guard on health.Avoid being too hard or serious about matters and mentally try to relax.

For weekends(Saturday & Sunday) ,expect: Avoid too much ambition or domination.It could be a good regarding money matters and overall success.

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